
Our Network: Industry wide and outward looking

With a view on the future, Levgas aims both to be a proactive member of the LPG industry and to support globally beneficial initiatives.

WLPGA - Member

By being a member of the World LPG Association, Levgas joins a global network of LPG participants in every aspect of the supply chain. An important role of the WLPGA is to not only promote LPG as a reliable and safe energy source but also to develop good practices across 125 countries. Levgas therefore adheres to the WLPGA Guidelines for Good Business and Safety Practices in the LPG Industry. To find out more about the WLPGA, please click here.

the ocean cleanup - independent supporter

Levgas is an independent supporter of The Ocean Cleanup - a non-profit organization, which designs and develops passive cleanup systems to clean up what is already polluting our oceans and to intercept plastic on its way to the ocean via rivers. Using this two-pronged approach, The Ocean Cleanup aims to remove 90% of floating ocean plastic by the year 2040. To find out more about The Ocean Cleanup, please click here.
